Evernote + Action Method Online = Perfection
Ok so maybe perfection is a strong word, but this combo is just too great. I've written before on how amazing I think Evernote is and now that I've been introduced to Action Method Online, I've found the best productivity combo out there. AMO is, for me, the best method for capturing and executing ideas. In other words, it makes me more effective, efficient, and prolific.
The action method is based on 3 main ingredients:
- Action steps
- Back burner items
- References
Action steps are exactly what they sound like, steps that require action. Back burner items are ideas that are actionable but not at the current moment. References are all of the notes, drawings, pics, diagrams, etc that go along with action items.
Action Method Online is where I have all of my action steps and back burner items. I can store them all in project folders (exactly like the notebooks in Evernote), assign due dates, assign colors for importance or urgency, and even delegate them to people. It's fantastic.
There are places to put references in AMO but I've found that Evernote is the best option for references. Evernote is where I dump everything that's rattling around in my brain about a certain project. I have notebooks in Evernote with an identical name to my project in AMO for consistency and that's where I store my references. Evernote is searchable and cross platform (AMO is cross platform too, bonus!) which is so convenient.
By separating references from action steps and back burner items in my work flow I can separate them in my mind as well. So when I'm working with AMO I know its action time. When I'm working with Evernote I know it's time to mind dump.
If your not using Evernote or AMO you should check them out (make that your first action step!). They are both free (however, both have premium accounts if you have to spend money) and they have increased my ability to make my ideas happen.
Having ideas is good but getting those ideas done is great.
While you're at it check out 'Making Ideas Happen' by Scott Belsky...it's changing my life.
What ideas can you put into action today?