My Top 6 Favorite Blogs

I've been running this blog for just over 15 months and that whole time I've been practicing.  Practicing how to write more clearly, how to communicate my ideas more effectively, how to format my posts, and what content serves my writing style and my audience the best.  One of my best helps has been looking at other people's blogs, seeing what they are doing, how they are writing, what they are writing about.  

Other blogs are a bloggers best friend.  It's free research.  The point is obviously not to copy, but I'm all for borrowing and adapting a good idea and making it your own.  Michael Hyatt and I have totally different blogs but he's a blogging Jedi, so if he does something that I like or think is cool, it would be wise of me to figure out how to adapt that idea to my blog, making it my own, and fitting it to my style.


May was by far the busiest month I've had on this blog, and that is very encouraging.  But I've got to be honest with you...I still don't know what I'm doing. I'm still learning, still trying to figure out just what this blog is all about.  If you look at the posts from May you'll find quite the assortment of topics, content, and formats.  I've been told this is a blogging no-no.  But when you see my top 6 favorite blogs below, you might begin to understand why my content is so varied.


Here are my top 6 favorite blogs right now (in no particular order):

  • - Josh Griffin's blog on all things youth ministry.  It is a fantastic resource for anyone involved in youth ministry.  I read this one everyday.
  • - Jon Acuff's blog.  Home of Stuff Christians Like, the Quitter conference, and all things helpful for those of us in the process of finding our dream job.
  • - John Saddington's blog.  I'm super late to the party on this one, but holy cow.  Anything and everything you need or want to know about blogging.  So, so, so, so, so good!
  • - Jeff Goins' Blog.  All about the art and practice of writing.  I find this blog and his books very helpful and practical.
  • - Brandon Early's blog on tech, gizmos, gadgets, toys, software, and more...all for the purposes of use in youth ministry. Love this blog.
  • - Michael Hyatt's blog on leadership, social media, and productivity.  One of the most useful, practical blog's on the internet, period.

These guys are all Christians, but as you can see they are all very different.  Each blog has their own unique focus, yet I love them all.  It is my hope that as I continue on in the process of refining my skills and focus that I'll find my unique 'voice'.


So thank you all for hanging in there with me over the last 15 months.  You don't know how much I appreciate that real people actually read this blog.


Question:  What content area(s) have I written well in?  What content area(s) do I need to improve on?


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