SYMC Tech workshops
At SYMC I had the pleasure to sit under the tutelage of one Brandon Early, a youth pastor in Rockford, Ill, who I consider a youth ministry/technology Jedi. You should check out his website and follow him on Twitter: @uthguy9. Here's a run down of some of the many cool things I learned:
Apple TV, a new one just got released with 1080p HD capability, will among other awesome things wirelessly mirror your iPad 2 or 3 as well as your iPhone 4s. Meaning if you want to wirelessly share a video, a picture, a song, a slideshow, etc from your iOS device to a TV or projector, you can do so over a wireless network. Pretty awesome. $99.
Use Photoshop to create slides for presentations. This allows me to use the freedom of Photoshop to create my presentation slides exactly as I want them, rather than being restricted by the formatting of Power Point or Keynote.
Pinnacle Studio HD video editing software. I just bought this and I cannot wait for it to show up. I got it shipped for $57, which is a steal. It handles AVCHD video formats, unlike Windows Live Movie Maker which I was using and it has the coolest feature, Smart Video. Brandon said this is the only reason he owns a PC. It will take your photos and videos and combine them automatically, in beat with the music, to one of the many templates provided.
Graphics depots. Check out: (use flickr storm to search the entire flickr database)
These are just a few of the super cool things I was introduced to in these workshops. I hope you find them helpful, and if you have any other techy goodies you want to share let everyone know via comment.