>> iOS 12.1 Public Beta Released

The iOS 12.1 public beta is now available for those of you who would like to embrace the future before the masses. To get the beta go to beta.apple.com and follow the instructions there. A quick warning though, a beta is not a complete piece of software. It’s mostly complete but there will be a higher potential for bugs, so only join the beta if you are willing to deal with some issues. 


In the iOS 12.1 beta we get the return of Group FaceTime which was in the original iOS 12 beta but was removed before the iOS Golden Master release. Hopefully Group FaceTime stays this time around because it looks great. 

There is also some code in this beta that could give us hints about upcoming iPad hardware, including this juicy tidbit from Macworld

The Xcode Simulator for iOS 12.1 supports output resolutions up to 3,840×2160 (4K), which suggests that maybe the rumors of a USB-C connector on the new iPad Pros, with support for 4K external monitors, is true.

This is the first I’ve heard of external monitors for iPad Pro, and I’m not even sure how it would work really, but consider me very intrigued. 

Link, AppleCam BrennanComment